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Alumni seminar of School of Political Studies in Sarajevo

The second alumni seminar of School of Political Studies of Council of Europe will take place on 25 and 26 June in Sarajevo. Topic of the seminar is “Defense of democracy, freedom and human rights from internal and foreign threats”.

Goal of the seminar is to contribute to resolving of key political and social challenges Europe is facing today, and to examine the role and responsibility of young leaders in resolving of these problems.

Lead by the experience from the last year’s seminar, organizers decided on the topic of this year’s seminar to be related to the topic of the World Forum for Democracy, which will take place in Strasbourg. Its focus will be “Freedom vs control – democratic answer”.

Montenegrin School will represent alumni, Mr Genci Nimanbegu, President of the club of MPs from Albanian parties and the MP at the Parliament of Montenegro, and Mr Milan Radović, Coordinator of Human Rights Program in Civic Alliance.