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III Forum of Democratic Leadership

Alumni Forum of School of Democratic Leadership will take place on 22 February 2016, at the Hotel “Podgorica” in Podgorica, at 13:00.

Forum will gather more than 100 participants, alumni of SDL from previous 14 generations. This event will open Mr Thorbjorn Jagland, General Secretary of the Council of Europe, who will speak about actual challenges of democracy in Europe. After introductory speech, the panel will take place, where alumni will have the opportunity to ask questions and communicate with representatives of international organizations and Embassies in Montenegro.

The last panel will be devoted to conversation with popular persons from Montenegro, who are not dealing with politics. At the end of the Forum, conclusions and recommendations arising from this meeting will be presented, and discussion of decision makers from different levels.

Forum of Democratic Leadership is great opportunity to network more than 300 alumni, and offers at the same time the possibility for initiating the new forms of cooperation between them.

Agenda of the Forum can be viewed HERE.