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Announcement of debate about efficient use of energy

We would like to inform you that consultative hearing/debate on topic “Efficient use of energy, situation in Montenegro with retrospective on Draft of Law on efficient use of energy” will take place on Monday, 24 March at 10:00, in the frame of 49 session of Board for economy, finances and budget.

Consultative hearing/debate will be organized as the initiative of School of Democratic Leadership in cooperation with the Parliament of Montenegro – Board for economy, finances and budget, in the frame of the project “”Public dialogue on energy efficiency and sustainable use of energy at the South East Europe”, with the support of German organization for international cooperation (GIZ) and its Open Regional Fund for Energy Efficiency.

The hearing will attend partners and cooperators at the project, representatives of Ministry of Economy, Chamber of Commerce, Union of municipalities of Montenegro, Union of Employers and NGOs Expeditio, Montenegrin Center for energy efficiency and Center for researching and developing of policies.

Public dialogue on energy efficiency is the project implemented by School of Democratic Leadership in cooperation with six schools of political studies from the region. Last year, SDL initiated and had a dialogue on this issue in Montenegro, organizing events and activities in cooperation with target groups and partners recognized through this project, primarily Ministry of Economy, Chamber of Commerce and Engineering Commerce of Montenegro, Union of municipalities and partners from civil society.