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An informative lecture on sustainable urban mobility took place on Monday, 24 February, 2020 in the Blue Hall of the Parliament of Montenegro. On that occasion, the Guidebook for MPs on sustainable urban mobility was presented, while GIZ expert from Slovenia, Dr. Aljaž Plevnik spoke about the experiences in Slovenia, related to the support of the national level to the implementation of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans.

Guidebook for MPs on this topic is a brief introduction in the principles of sustainable urban mobility through the prism of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan development and is intended for MPs in the Parliament of Montenegro to get acquainted with the model of sustainable traffic planning in urban areas.

The presentation of the Guidebook and Slovenian experiences in implementation of policies in the field of sustainable urban mobility was organized so that, in decision making process on relevant laws at the national level, MPs have enough information about this concept, which arose in response to modern challenges of urban living.

The event was organized with the support of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbG (GIZ) and its Open Regional Fund for Southeast Europe – Energy Efficiency (ORF EE), in cooperation with School of Political Studies.

See the guidebook HERE.