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Study visit to Berlin in November in the frame of RAD 2015

Participants of Regional Academy for Democracy 2015 shall visit Berlin during the period from 1 to 5 November.

This part of the RAD 2015 Program supported Robert Bosch Stiftung organization and two representatives from each of seven countries in the region shall participate in this study visit. Ms Branka Bošnjak, MP in the Parliament of Montenegro and Mr Ardijan Mavrić, Deputy of the municipality Ulcinj, shall participate as representatives from Montenegro.

Regional Academy for Democracy is the initiative of Network of Schools of Political Studies of Council of Europe in the frame of Western Balkan, aiming to contribute to development of new political culture and political elite in the region. Topic of this year’s RAD is “Building of democratic institutions”.

For more information visit web site http://www.radwb.eu/