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The third regional conference on sustainable use of energy

In cooperation with partners, School of Democratic Leadership (SDL) will organize the third regional conference “Energy. Development. Democracy: How successful political dialogue can provide sustainable use of energy and protection of climate in the South East Europe?”. The conference will take place on 29-30 September 2015 at the Hotel “Ramada”.

The conference will bring together representatives of the Parliament from the region countries, executive authorities, CSO leaders and energy experts.

The Conference will open Mr Ranko Krivokapić, President of Parliament of Montenegro, Ms Gudrun Steinacker, Ambassador of Germany in Montenegro, Mr Johannes Elle, Team Leader of GIZ Open Regional Fund for the South East Europe for energy efficiency, Mr Boris Raonić, Director of SDL and the President of Civic Alliance, Mr Gazmend Turdiu, Deputy of the Secretary General of Regional Council for Cooperation, Mr Velimir Mijušković, President of the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro, while introductory lecture will give Mr Janez Kopač, Director of Secretariat of Energy Community. “ƞ Award”, which is assigned to persons who have used their public standing and function to communicate the need for persistent care about energy efficiency and protection of environment, will be given at the conference.

Goal of the conference is to exchange information and ideas, improve understanding of dynamics and goals of the EU and global sustainability of energy and specific challenges for the South East countries, but also to share examples of successful creating and implementing of policies, which will help in preparation of the South East Europe region for the full integration in energy space of Europe. The Conference is the part of regional initiative “Public Dialogue on Sustainable Use of Energy in the South East Europe”, conducted by the Network of Schools of Political Studies of South East Europe (that functions under the auspices of the Council of Europe), with the support of German organization for international cooperation – GIZ and German Federal Foundation for Environment – DBU.

Regional Council for Cooperation (RCC), South East Europe Association from Munich, Secretariat of Energy Community (EnC) and the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro additionally supported the conference. Special session on the second day of the Conference will be devoted to the meeting of members of Parliaments with representatives of Energy Community and Regional Council for Cooperation.

You may find working version of the program of the Conference HERE.