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Ceremonial awarding of diplomas to School of Democratic Leadership participants

Ceremonial awarding of diplomas to School of Democratic Leadership participants

Civic Alliance will organize ceremonial awarding of diplomas to participants of XII generation of School of Democratic Leadership on 22 May, at Ceremonial Hall of Faculty of Political Science at 10:00.

Special guest of SDL on that occasion will be Ms Katarzina Pisarska, Director of European Academy for Diplomacy from Poland, who will have a lecture on topic „Transitional experience of Poland – factors of successful political transformation”. Closing remarks for participants will have Mr Waldemar Figaj, Deputy Head of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro. H.E. Grazyina Sikorska, Ambassador of Poland in Montenegro will award diplomas to participants.

Through annual program of SDL, number of seminars on actual topics such as the rule of law process in Montenegro, respect of human rights and European integration process were organized, and participants had the opportunity to participate in II World Forum for Democracy in Strasbourg, and also to visit European Court of Human Rights, Council of Europe, and Mission of Montenegro in Council of Europe.

School of Democratic Leadership is the member of European Association of School of Political Studies that functions under the auspices of Council of Europe. Participants of XII generation of SDL were young leaders, representatives of parliamentary political parties in Montenegro and journalists.