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Final seminar and alumni conference RAD

Final seminar and alumni conference RAD

Final seminar and final alumni conference that will gather all participants of Regional Academy for Democracy (RAD) will take place in Belgrade from 27 until 30 November.

Topic of this year’s Academy is “Building of Democratic Institutions”, but on the last seminar will be discussed about the role of national and non-state actors in creating and implementing of policies. Topic of the final conference will be “Democracy and regional cooperation on Western Balkan”. This year’s RAD gathers fifty participants from seven region countries, while School of Democratic Leadership will be presented by seven participants – members of Montenegrin Parliament, high local officials and politicians. Regional Academy for Democracy is the Initiative of Network of Schools of Political Studies of Council of Europe from the Western Balkan, aiming to contribute to development of new political culture and elite in the region.

For more info, visit web site:
