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MPs from Montenegro and BiH about the challenges of the two countries on their road towards the EU

MPs from Montenegro and BiH about the challenges of the two countries on their road towards the EU

Both Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina should make additional efforts in the process of adoption of the European standards, primarily for the needs of the society, not because the countries should fulfill obligations through negotiating process, on their European road – this is one of the main messages of the seminar, which took place in Jahorina, 15-18 December, about the challenges in the EU accession process.

Participants at the seminar, MPs, representatives of executive power, civil society and media and high functionaires of political parties from both countries agreed that the European standards, harmonization of the legal system and full implementation of legal solutions are the top priorities of both countries, not only for fulfillment of conditions from negotiating chapters, but primarily as the manner showing that implementation of the best European practice improves the quality of life and the living standard of people of Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In the context of regional cooperation of the South East Europe countries (Western Balkan), participants of the seminar emphasized the importance of improvement of bilateral cooperation of two countries, on both economic plan, through improvement of exchange of the trade, traffic and energy infrastructure and the political and cultural plan, and cooperation of all segments of the society. It was indicated that it was up to the Governments of Montenegro and BiH to make concrete steps as soon as possible.

Participants agreed that the political instability in the region, often initiated with the short-term and selfish goals of political elites, disabled strong connection of the region in all aspects and full commitment to concrete problems of citizens, and finaly to the EU integration process.

MPs from Montenegro mentioned the fact that almost half of MPs from the Parliament of Montenegro boycott the Parliament because the case of the „coup d’etat attempt” during the election day.
Joint assessment from the seminar with the large number of participants from the two states and a number of representatives of executive and legislative power, was the good opportunity for establishing of continuous mutual dialogue and the opportunity for exchange of contacts.

Seminar is organized with the support of the Council of Europe School of Political Studies (School of Demoicratic Leadership and School of Political Studies of the Council of Europe BiH).

Participants at the seminar from Montenegro:

  • Aleksandar Damjanović SNP, MP
  • Bojan Zeković SDP, Councilor of the MP Club and member of the Presidenship
  • Branislav Radulović DRI, member of the Senate
  • Danijela Pavićević SNP, MP
  • Dritan Abazović URA, MP
  • Jovan Jole Vučurović NOVA, MP
  • Mijomir Pejović DEMOKRATE, MP
  • Milica Minić portal CDM, Editor in chief
  • Mirko Stanić SDP, PR and member of the Presidenship
  • Neđeljko Rudović URA , MP
  • Satka Hajdarpašić LPCG, Councilor for the European affairs, international affairs, humna rights and youth
  • Sead Šahman BS, PR and member of the Presidenship
  • Slaven Radunović NOVA, MP
  • Zdenka Popović DEMOKRATE, MP