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Seminar on topic “The Rule of Law in Montenegro” took place

Seminar on topic “The Rule of Law in Montenegro” took place

Seminar for participants of XII generation on topic “The Rule of Law in Montenegro” took place in the hotel “Residence” in Budva from 13 to 15 December, in the frame of the School of Democratic Leadership. The first day of the seminar was reserved for the study visits to the Supreme curt, Ministry of Economy and ETG Educo Center.

The following day of the seminar was devoted to lectures about the concept of the rule of law and challenges of negotiating process in that area and efficiency of judiciary and independence of judiciary. Lecturers were Zoran Pažin, representative of Montenegro before the Court for human rights in Strasbourg, Nataša Radonjić, member of the Work group for Chapter 23 and Vlado Dedović, Director of the Legal Department in CEMI. The last day, SDL participants had the opportunity to hear more about the fight against corruption in Montenegro, and about this topic also spoke Vesna Ratković, Director of Directorate for Anti-Corruption Initiative. Mr Branislav Radulović, member of the Senate of the National Audit Institution, had a lecture about the role of National Audit Institution in the process of developing of the rule of law. Lecture about the rule of law and facing past took place the same day, and that was the lecture of Ms Ajša Hadžibegović, Program Director in Civic Alliance. Mr Radovan Ljumović, Head of Department for analysis, improvement of work and development of the police, had a lecture about the crime problems in Montenegro and the seminar ended with the presentation of survey about the standpoints of citizens and judges about the topic related to situation in judiciary. Mr Zoran Vujičić, Coordinator of the rule of law program in Civic Alliance spoke on this topic. XII generation of SDL collected 24 young representatives of Parliamentary parties and journalists in Montenegro.