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Protest Letter to Diplomatic Mission of the Republic Azerbaijan to Montenegro

Boris Raonić, Director of School of Democratic Leadership delivered today protest letter to Diplomatic Mission of the Republic Azerbaijan in Montenegro, due to disrespect of final decision of the European Court of Human Rights by authorities of that country.  We publish the letter as a whole.

Diplomatic Mission of the Republic Azerbaijan in Podgorica

Mr Seyran Mirzazadeh, Head of Mission

Subject: Protest letter about the torture of Mr Ilgar Mammadov and disrespect of verdict of the European Court of Human Rights

Dear Mr Mirzazadeh,

Regular annual meeting of directors of European Association of Schools of Political Studies will take place at the beginning of next week, but again, without Mr Ilgar Mammadov, Director of Political School from Azerbaijan, who is illegally kept in prison after decision of authorities, due to the critics of the Governement of Azerbaijan and publishing of information that were intended to be covered up by authorities.

Mission of Schools of Political Studies, and also Political School in Baku, is strengthening of democratic governing, creating of culture of respect of democratic values, human rights and the rule of law, while authorities of your country constantly obstruct these processes, showing this on example of Mr Mammadov.

Even after a year since the final decision of European Court of Human Rights on violation of human rights in case of Mammadov, when he was taken in detention and kept in prison without adequate evidence, institutions of your country have not reacted yet.

In this manner, You reflect the essence of Your country which is not democratic, dictatorial autocracy and that you do not respect final judicial decisions; although number of international organizations and governments of democratic countries invited several times institutions of Azerbaijan to release Mr Mammadov, Your country did not accept these appeals.

We remind You that Your oil wealth and status of investor in Montenegro will not improve image of your country and its character. We expect from You to introduce this protest to Your absolute Government and convince it that the terror over Mr Mammadov will not be forgotten.

Podgorica, 27 March 2015

Boris Raonic
President of Civic Alliance
Director of School of Democratic Leadership