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The third module „Human rights in Montenegro – Between standards and practice“

The third module in the frame of the regular program of XIV generation of School of Democratic Leadership will take place in the Hotel „Residence” in Budva, during the period 05 – 07 February 2016.

Topic of the seminar will be „Human rights in Montenegro – Between standards and practice”. This module will open H.E. Arne Sannes Bjørnstad, Ambassador of Norway, who will speak about the importace of the Constitution in developing of healthy society. Lectures on different aspects of human rights will have: Mr Šućko Baković, Montenegrin Protector of human rights and fundamental freedoms, Siniša Bjeković, Deputy of Ombudsman, Ms Ivana Jelić, Professor at the Faculty of Law in Podgorica, Mr Milan Radović, Cooridnator on Human Rights Program in Civic Allaince, Mr Leon Gjokaj Director General in Directorate for improvement and protection of humna rights in Ministry of human and minorirty rights, Mr Aleksandar Čađenović, UNHCR Representative, Mr Aleksa Ivanović, member of the Council of Agency for protection of personal data and free access to information, and Mr Srđa Keković, General Secretary of the Union of Free Trade Unions. Ms Ajša Hadžibegović, Development Director of Civic Allaince, will coordinate workshop on human rights.

XIV generation of SDL gathers 23 representatives from political parties who act in Montengro, executive and local power and medi.