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The third phase of the project on sustainable use of energy and EE in Montenegro

Kick-off event of the third phase of the project “Public dialogue on sustainable use of energy and energy efficiency in Montenegro” will take place in Skoplje, on 9 and 10 September 2014.

Seven schools of political sciences from the region successfully had dialogues on this topic in previous years with different target groups, and the event in Skoplje, which will attend directors of Schools of Political Studies from the Balkan, representatives of GIZ and DBU, will officially announce the third phase of the project.

The project is financed by GIZ Open Regional Fund for Energy Efficiency and DBU (Federal German Foundation for Environment), and will be focused on strengthening of capacities of civil sector for conducting of adequate dialogue on this topic and for monitoring of work of competent institutions through various monitoring mechanisms and organizing of parliamentary consultative hearing, in cooperation with the Parliament of Montenegro.