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The first alumni seminar of SDL – “Local self-government and decentralization”

Seminar for SDL alumni, on topic “Local self-government and decentralization – principles and challenges in reforms”, will take place on 06-08 March 2015, in the frame of School of Democratic Leadership Programme. At one place, the seminar will gather 24 alumni who have passed the programme of our School within the past 12 years, who currently work on very important functions in local self-governments. Participants at the seminar will be alumni of SDL from nongovernmental sector and media, who act or are interested in this area.

The first day of the seminar, participants will visit Ministry of finances and Ministry of Interior, or precisely their departments authorized for functioning of local self-governments. On the second day, Professor Djordjije Blazic will give a lecture on importance and principles of decentralization, while Mr Remy Privat, Adviser of Minister of Interior, delegated by the Embassy of France, will explain our alumni in which manner local self-governments and regional development function in France. Participants will have the opportunity to educate additionally on system of local self-government in England and European Charter on local self-government and Montenegrin legislation in this area.

Special part of the seminar will be devoted to energy efficiency area. Aleksandar Perovic, Director of NGO “Ozon”, will speak about obligations of local self-governments in the area of waste disposal management, and about the manners in which waste can be used in useful purposes.

The last day of the seminar will be devoted to energy efficiency principles and Montenegrin and the EU legislation in this area, but also to examples of good practice at local level in the EE area.
The first alumni seminar will take place at the Hotel “Residence” in Budva, with the support of the Council of Europe, German Organization for International Cooperation – GIZ and its Open Regional Fund for Energy Efficiency.